A multilingual website can help you reach a larger audience. Drupal multilingual capabilities are excellent and offer a straightforward and configurable content administration experience.

One way of configuring multilingual support for Drupal focuses on a "translate" link that takes a content manager to a form where a translation can be entered. This process is ideal for content-heavy websites where each page needs to have an equivalent page in another language(s).

Another way of configuring multilingual support for Drupal focuses on fields. This type of configuration is often prefered in cases where a site's content has many fields and only some are to be translated. Think of e-commerce where price, size, weight, etc. are not translatable.

If the above sounds complicated, fear not. Makers365 can help you build your multilingual capabilities with your users' needs in mind. If you have a translation project that you'd like to discuss, let's be in touch.  We'd love to explore collaboration.